Solv. is a one-of-a-kind service, revolutionizing the way industry (businesses of all sizes, across all sectors) can engage with an academic institution. Through a single-point of contact, companies are seamlessly connected to a variety of business enhancing opportunities and services across Centennial College – for free!
Are you looking to hire highly skilled, globally-minded, and career-ready individuals?
Do you have a business challenge that our students could solve?
Are you an innovator looking to grow your idea?
Are you ready to kick start your business?
Do you need help sourcing funds for your next big project?
Join forces with Centennial College to enhance your role as a leader in your industry.
Interested in sharing your industry expertise with Centennial College?
Interested in growing your professional network while learning about industry trends?
Are you passionate about a topic and want to share your expert knowledge?
Join us in strengthening our student education, opportunities and experiences
Are you interested in partnering with Centennial’s local and global network?
Interested in opportunities beyond those listed above?
Partners engaged with
Centennial College
Partners connected to more than one
service at Centennial College
Sectors Engaged